Note N309
There is a William Magnus Hedley Dunn born August 4, 1890 in Sundridge, Ontario, who joined the Canadian Expeditionary Forces on June 5, 1917. His wife was Annie. She lived in Kaslo, British Columbia. He signed up in Revelstoke, B.C He was a surveyor by trade. He was Presbyterian. There is a Roger Llyod Dunn born in Sundridge. He was born on March 4, 1894. His father was James. Are they brothers? Are they the sons of James, brother of my great grandfather Roger? I belive so, as I know that Vivian Edna Frances Dunn was born in Sundridge.
Since typing the above I have checked the Ontario Birth Registers. William, Roger and Vivian are siblings born to James and Margaret and whose births are registered for Sundridge.
In a newspaper article re his parents' 50th wedding anniversary, he was still in Kaslo, B.C. This would have been in 1930.
His death was registered at Trail, B.C. as:
Reg. Number: 1964-09-016649
B.C. Archives Microfilm Number: B13270
GSU Microfilm Number: 2033723
There is a Llyod Bruce Dunn of BC who died in Italy in 1943, at age 26. Was this perchance another son?
Based on his return from the war, he was a lieutenant.
Note N310
There is a Roger Llyod Dunn who signed up with the CFE in Vegreville, Alberta on February 11, 1916. He was single. His father was James and lived in Warwick. I expect that he met his first wife in England while serving overseas in WW1.
Note N311
Marjorie Griffiths says he was David. Margaret Hulbert has him as George Frederick. He is to be found in the 1926 Edmonton City Directory as Geo. F, Cooper, retried farmer, living at 9919, 84th Ave. Edward Dunn, retired farmer is at the same address.
He and two sisters and his mother Elizabeth are in the 1901census Cardoc in Middlesex South.
Note N312
He died at age 15 due to "inflamation of the bowels"..
Note N313
In the Ontario Cemetery finding aid, she is "Isabel P. Rabone." Which spelling is correct, I do not know.
Note N314
His name was probably James Warner Hunt. I say that based on a burial for that person in the same area as his parents.
Note N315
Jean Carter says he was a civil engineer. She says as well that when Frank was killed in 1909, that Annie went to work in Edmonton. The children were left with their grandparents at Warwick. About 1920, the children went to Edmonton to go to high school.
Note N316
I have found him in the 1841 census for Hawkhurst. He and Martha are there with their first four children. It is hard to read his trade. It looks like "Shorn." He and his family are just "up the street" from Samuel Piper, who is in turn almost next door to Jesse Piper. Both of the Pipers are bricklayers. So the children of Jonathan and Samuel marry.
Although initially I could not find him in 1851, I did eventually do so. He and Martha are there with many of the children. He is a shoemaker.
He is to be found in the 1861 census for Hawkhurst with Martha, Edmund, Elizabeth Martha, Ellen, Emma and Robert. Edmund, 20, is also a cordwainer.
By 1871, Martha his wife is not there and the only children left are Emma and Robert, who is an apprentice. Jonathan is noted as being a widower.
In 1881 he is a lodger living at 252 Winchester Rd. Hawkhurst.
In 1891, he is still around and living at 121 (I cannot read the street) and is again alone.
Note N317
At first I believed that his wife's name was Pritchard due to the name of their first child. In the Kent Marriage data base done by David Hills, his wife's maiden name is Jones.
There is a William James Golding baptised on September 2, 1860. He was the son of William (shoemaker) and Jane Golding. Did they get the wife's name wrong? Did the first wife die and he remarry? Is this another family? Yes.
I found him and Elizabeth starting in the 1861 census. He and she and Anne and William Junior are living right next door to Frances and Marianne
In 1871, he and Elizabeth and all four children are there. Frances is no longer next door.
I believe this to be the family in the 1881 census:
Dwelling:5 Tory Row
Census Place:Hawkhurst, Kent, England
Source:FHL Film 1341224 PRO Ref RG11 Piece 0940 Folio 19 Page 32
William GOLDINGM48 MHawkhurst, Kent, England
Elizabeth GOLDINGM44 FHastings, Sussex, England
William GOLDINGU20 MHawkhurst, Kent, England
Occ:Boot Closer
Albert GOLDINGU18 MHawkhurst, Kent, England
Occ:Ag Lab
Catherine GOLDING 13 FHawkhurst, Kent, England
George GOLDING 9 MHawkhurst, Kent, England
Emma GOLDING 4 FHawkhurst, Kent, England
Frank GOLDING 1 MHawkhurst, Kent, England
In the 1891 census for Hawkhurst, there is a William Golding with the same details for himself and his wife as above. On the same page is a William Golding who matches the details of his son William. They live only a few houses apart on Tory Row. The youngest four children i.e., from George down, still live with them.
They are all still there in 1901 They all seem to be living together in Hawkhurst at 8 Tory Row. As well, there are two grandchildren, William Golding, 14, and Dorothy Ryan, 13, from Hastings, Sussex. If Dorothy was a granddaughter, then one of his daughters in theory married a Ryan. But in the 1891 census, while I can find a Dorothy Ryan, her parents are Denis and Annie, both from Hastings?