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Kathleen's meadow



Sew What?
My Cookbook
My Favourite Websites


.. to our NeverEnding Website Construction Project. HTML coding is less of a mystery now, but the way different browsers interpret it is something I've given up trying to understand. Let's just hope there are no hidden hazards to prevent us sharing our interests and enthusiasms with you.

To jump directly to my first enthusiasm, go to Sew What? A Sewing Reference Manual.

If you are looking for the recipe for something we've fed you, go to My Cookbook. There are some new low-fat, low cholesterol recipes there.

If you would like to see how I can waste enormous amounts of time, check out My Favourite Websites

If you, too, love Giant Schnauzers, or just dogs in general, have a look at The Pet's Page

If you've just wandered in here by mistake (looking for some other Timms perhaps?) or would like to know more about me, let me introduce myself.


Hi! I'm Kathleen Timms

  • wife of Roger and mother of Arran, Stefan and Laura
  • mistress of Ceilidh (say 'Kay-lee') and, once-upon-a-time, of the much-mourned Gandalf
  • former Crimewriter of Canada with 3 mystery novels stored on zip disks somewhere in this house

perpetual student

You never know what you don’t know until you learn it
whose energies for the past few years have been dedicated to learning how to draft patterns for custom-fit clothing, and how to sew them using industry and couture techniques, plus, just for something completely different, how to write computer programs, first in C language, then in HTML


Each one teach one
when you've gone to all the trouble to learn something, why keep it to yourself?
Sharing what I know with my Sewing 1 and Sewing 2 students at Durham College gives me more joy and satisfaction than it does them, I’m sure. So now I want to share it with you. My sewing reference manual will be expanded as time permits. To see what is there so far, go to Sew What?

chief cook & bottlewasher

which is much easier, now that the kids have left home, BUT
...they keep calling for my recipes, so in an attempt to keep our long-distance bill somewhere in this stratosphere, I've been assembling them into My Cookbook


of the woods and meadows that surround our home
some day there will be a page here devoted to gardening (and associated matters such as chainsaw and tractor maintenance)


with that "killer" touch

One-Eyed Merchants was published by Methuen in 1985; and in paperback by Collins Totem Crime in 1986.
Society's Child, sold to Methuen at the same time, was in editing when Methuen got caught in the takeover craze that characterized business in the 1980s and was dissolved. RestInPeace, Methuen.

Letters to the Judge optioned by Owl Television in 1997 as the basis for a series, was soon lost in the murk of Owl’s bankruptcy. RestInPeace, Owl.

Given the perilous state of our Canadian cultural industry, I decided to stop endangering it any further, but if those zip disks ever turn up, and I figure out how to do it, one day you may be able to read my work on this site. Be warned!

On one last, very strange note, I've just learned that used copies of One-Eyed Merchants have turned up on Amazon.com as collectors items. What to think about this?

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