
Source for:   Anne Timmes,   APR 1695 - 30 DEC 1740         Index

Birth source:    S64


Source for:   William Dickins,   22 JAN 1715/16 - AUG 1752         Index

Name source:    S59

Text:   William the son of Anthony and Anne Dickins was baptised January 22, 1715.


Source for:   Anthony Dickins,   OCT 1718 - 1758         Index

Name source:    S59

Text:   Anthony the son of Anthony Dickins and Ann his wife was baptised October //, 1718.


Source for:   Margarite Dickins,   JAN 1720/21 - OCT 1730         Index

Death source:    S59

Text:   Margaret the daughter of Anthony and Anne Dickins was buried October 22, 1730, affidavit brought.


Source for:   Timms Dickins,   1 APR 1725 - AUG 1762         Index

Name source:    S59

Text:   Timms the son of Anthony Dickins and Anne his wife was baptised April //, 1725.


Source for:   Elizabeth Jarrett,   16 APR 1738 -          Index

Birth source:    S59

Text:   Elizabeth the daughter of Stephen Jarret and Mary(?) (Anne has been overwritten) his wife was baptised April 16th, 1738.


Source for:   Jane Steel,   18 MAR 1694 -          Index

Name source:    S59

Text:   Jane the daughter of John Steel was baptised March 18, 1693.


Source for:   Anthony Jarrett,   19 JUN 1670 - FEB 1702         Index

Death source:    S59

Text:   Anthony Jarret the son of Stephen and Mary his wife was buried March 2, 1701.


Source for:   Abigail Jarrett,   14 NOV 1675 -          Index

Name source:    S17

Text:   Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002

Birth source:    S17

Text:   Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002


Source for:   Joseph Jarrett,   MAR 1679/80 - 3 JAN 1760         Index

Name source:    S17

Text:   Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002

Birth source:    S17

Text:   Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002

Death source:    S59

Text:   Joseph Jarrett senr was buried January 3, 1760.


Source for:   Deborah Jarrett,   28 AUG 1681 -          Index

Name source:    S59

Text:   Deborah the daughter of Stephen Jarret was baptised August 28, 1681.

Birth source:    S59
Page:   1681

Text:   Deborah the daughter of Stephen Jarret was baptised August 28, 1681.

Birth source:    S17

Text:   Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002