Source for: Thomas Jarrett, APR 1776 - 21 JUN 1776
Name source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Birth source: S59Text: Thomas the son of John Jarret and Ann his wife was baptised April 29th, 1776.
Death source: S59Text: Thomas the son of John Jarret and Ann his wife was buried June 21st, 1776.
Source for: Thomas Jarrett, 23 NOV 1777 -
Name source: S59Text: Thomas the son of John Jarrett and Ann his wife was baptised November 23rd, 1777.
Birth source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Source for: Mary Jarrett, 7 DEC 1783 -
Name source: S59Text: Mary the daughter of John and Anne Jarrett was baptised December 7, 1783.
Birth source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Source for: Joseph Jarrett, OCT 1787 - NOV 1787
Name source: S59Text: Joseph the son of John and Anne Jarrett was baptised October 14th, 1787.
Birth source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Death source: S59Text: Joseph Jarrett, infant, was buried November 13, 1787.
Source for: Stephen Jarrett, JAN 1706/07 - MAY 1779
Name source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Birth source: S59Text: Stephen the son of Stephen and Hannah Jarret was baptised January 19th. 1706.
Death source: S59Text: Stephen Jarrett widower was buried May 28, 1799.
Source for: Anne Matthews, - MAY 1762
Name source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Death source: S59Text: Anne the wife of Stephen Jarrett was buried May 13th, 1762.
Source for: Stephen Jarrett, 21 FEB 1736 - MAR 1777
Name source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Birth source: S59Text: Stephen the son of Stephen Jarret and Anne his wife was baptised February 21, 1735.
Death source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Source for: Joseph Jarrett, 1 APR 1737 - JAN 1809
Name source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002
Birth source: S59Text: Joseph the son of Stephen Jarret and Anne his wife was baptised April 1st, 1737.
Death source: S17Text: Date of Import: Jul 18, 2002