Sources       Index

Source    S35

 Title:   Jean Carter

Sources       Index

Source    S36

 Title:   Jeff Mason, descendant of Richard and Mary Mason

Sources       Index

Source    S37

 Title:   Journal of Olive McLeod/Beattie
 NOTESource Medium:   Book

Sources       Index

Source    S38

 Title:   June Tiimms (Thornton)

Sources       Index

Source    S39

 Title:   LDS Scottish Church Records
 NOTESource Medium:   Book

Sources       Index

Source    S40

 Title:   Marriage Index of Cherrington

Sources       Index

Source    S41

 Title:   Marriages at Blockley as complied by Sir Edward Warner and typed by John Malin of Blockley

Sources       Index

Source    S42

 Title:   Marriages in Ottawa County, compiled by Lucille O'Brien - see

Sources       Index

Source    S43

 Title:   Maureen Smith

Sources       Index

Source    S44

 Title:   Max-temp2.ftw
 NOTESource Medium:   Other

Sources       Index

Source    S45

 Title:   MI - Ettrick, Scotland-listed Hawick Archaeological Society Transcription #93 SWORD/LUN/COLTHERD

Sources       Index

Source    S46

 Title:   Monumental Inscriptions - Annan Cemetery, Annan, Ontario # 188 Robert Sword
 NOTESource Medium:   Tombstone

Sources       Index

Source    S47

 Title:   Monumental Inscriptions for St. John the Baptist Church, Cher(r)ington, Warwickshire

Sources       Index

Source    S48

 Author:   Birmingham Midland Genealogical Society
 Title:   Monumental Inscriptions for St. Michael's Church, Whichford, Warwickshire
 NOTESource Medium:   Microfiche

Sources       Index

Source    S49

 Author:   Birmingham Midland Genealogical Society
 Title:   Monumental Inscriptions for St. Thomas a Becket's Church, Sutton under Brailes, Warwickshire
 NOTESource Medium:   Microfiche
  The fiche also contains MI's done by the Rev. James Harvey Bloom c. 1900

Sources       Index

Source    S50

 Title:   Mount Mucie Cemetery Burial Records

Sources       Index

Source    S51

 Title:   Murray.FTW
 NOTESource Medium:   Other